Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Telling Stories and Making Memories

     Being behind the bar allowed me to run into many different people, some only wanted their drinks but many wanted to share memories. I had one older gentleman tell me stories about the Polish Home Hall and the things he had once done there. He told me of dances with pretty girls when he was younger and of weddings later on. He remembered sitting at the bar talking with friends. None of his stories were very specific but the smile on his face as he was recanting memories was more than enough detail for me to get the big picture.
     I received many questions about my interest in the project. A gentleman stood by the bar for a while in the very beginning asking me every question under the moon. He wanted to know how I got involved with this project, where I was from, what I was studying, and even what I wanted to do once I graduated. His genuine interest helped spark conversation and he worked off of my answers and gave me little blips of information I might not otherwise know. One of the things that stuck was his explanation of the Polish Home Hall changes over time. From being City Hall, to a Fire House, to a school, to the community hall it is today.
     I had many conversations with numerous people but these two gentlemen’s genuine interest in the hall and the community made them more memorable than anyone else.
Other memorable moments are when the EMT’s came through, the gentleman standing next to me turned and said, “You make pulled pork and EVERYBODY shows up.” He later pulled me aside and thanked me for having a good sense of humor because he initially thought he offended me. Also, my mom went outside for a moment and one of the neighbors yelled some not so nice things to her and told her we were taking up all the parking. Thankfully my mom has a sense of humor in which she just waved it off and thanked the lady.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Patapsco Ave Walk Through

On Saturday morning, Hayley, Nailah, and I went and did a walk through in Brooklyn, we handed out flyers and talked with the residents about the event. We got a lot of positive feed back from people, we even had men at the feed store donate to us (not much but very welcomed!). We talked with a man who might have another possible local performer for us! We also sold one ticket!

While on our adventure we met a nice guy named Earl in the flower shop, I do not want to assume anything but he came across as having special needs. Hayley, Nailah, and I were thinking if the class members all put one dollar up and bought him a ticket to our event he would love it! Also, it may help show the community that we are indeed not just there to get a grade but to actually work with the community for their benefit.

At this point in time I have a feeling that we might not sell very many paper tickets but we will have many community members show up the day of the event. I would like to go around after class on the 21st to businesses that are not located directly on the main street to post more flyers and talk with more people.

If we are given the Ok to clean up the side yard of the PHH (Which should take less then an hour) I was wondering if anyone would like to help me with that.

For now, it's back to the spreadsheets!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Street Directories!!

I have completed and Printed both Curtis Ave and Patapsco Ave. Peninnington is half way there and i hope to have as much done as possible for class today!

I have 2 shirt orders, and lots of interest in the event!

For the bake sale I will be making cake balls (Cake pops without the stick) and brownies, i'm not sure if i'm going to do half and half for thursday and monday or if one will be one day and one on the other.

Can't Wait for the buttons!!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fun Little Tid-Bit

The owners of Chubby's Pub (4314 Curtis Ave.) in 2000 are listed as I Dunno and DA King.

The Directories are coming along smoothly, but if I could get pictures or copies of the Patapsco and Pennington reverse look ups from Rachel, Elaine, and Tom that would be very helpful!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Street Directory!!

I am working on getting the street directory together in a spread sheet. The information gets difficult depending on the years. Between 1926 and 1930 the street was renumbered and redirected and some intersections were changed so i'm working on making sure the addresses line up so we have a true representation on the property ownership over the years.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Budget and Concept

I would like to start getting the stuff together for the budget. With tshirts becoming necessary I'm going to need to start getting the money straightened out. The history committee should discuss with dr. King about posting our stuff to the mapping baybrook website. And we need to work on our concept.

From all that we have done, I feel like our event is the introduction of the website to the community and our Main Street set up is the physical manifestation of the website.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Main Street in the 40's

I had a lot of material to weed through since most of the articles from the 40's revolved around the docks and businesses on the water. I did manage to find some stuff about businesses on the main streets but not much information, they were mostly references to the locations.

Hub Furniture Co. – 710 Penna. Ave
Wrecking Corp. of America – Pennington Ave Extension
Brooklyn Apts. – 10th st @ Patapsco ave

Walnut Spring Hotel – Hanover @ Patapsco : stood in front of a portion of the river that was deep enough for boats to bring patrons to the hotel, now it is shallow and full of muck.

Food Market – 1000 block of Patapsco
Trucking Company – 500 block of Patapsco?
Confectionery – 4000 block of Fairhaven ave
Gas Station – Pennington @ Ordance Depot road
Dry Goods Store – 5000 block of Curtis ave
MD Car Wheel Company – 4101 Curtis Ave
Myer J. Schulman Retail Store – 4710 Pennington ave
Davidson Chemical Corp – 5500 Chemical Road
Lucinda Wood (request for liquor license D) – 4906 Curtis Ave
Ernest Polauskas (request for liquor license C) – 4812 Curtis Ave
Frances Humanulk (request for liquor license D) – 5022 Pennington ave
Morris A. Baker (Lawyer) – Quarantine road
U.S. Maritime Commission Warehouse No. 38 – 4501 Curtis Ave
Tavern – 2100 block of Hawkins Point Rd
Tasty Box Lunch (Truck) - 4600-4700 blocks of Curtis Ave

St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church – 3909 Pennington Ave : Acid smog travels down Pennington ave like a sandstorm, visible but unavoidable. No matter what elevation, the acid smog gets everyone.

(Murders) Lightner’s, Ruth (Waitress) and D. Lockridge (Auto Mechanic) – 3800 block of Fairhaven ave

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Committee Plans

I am in charge of balancing the budget, researching Baltimore based t-shirt screen printing, and booze.

I am also waiting to hear back about another possible catering option. I will contact a family friend who owns a printing company about cheap flyers and banners for the event. I recently discovered that my cousin works at a Vet's office in the area and plan to talk to her about possibly getting some flyers out to her to place in the office.

I plan to research the water front property and the companies and residents who have moved through over the years. The Baltimore Sun Historical may have articles on opening or closing of plants or businesses around the area. Census records can help me track the boom and bust of residential life in the area. The research will become a social history of the coast of Baybrooke.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Gardens on Main Street?

I would like to try and stick with my plan. and work the garden into the "Main Street" idea. I feel like the garden is an important part of the community and should have a place in the event.

At the event people could make paint panels for the garden's fence. We could have student ambassadors from the elementary school come and participate at the event.

My positions on this project will not only be Budget Manager but I would also like to be able to go into the schools and work with the students before the event and help with set-up and clean-up.

For my research project I would like to discover the history of the area, specifically the water front property. For this I will need to get access to old zoning records, deeds, old company records, housing records, etc. I would like my project to be more like a social history project for the Brooklyn/ Curtis Bay area waterfront.

Original Feasibility Study

Katie Hern
AMST 400
Mapping Baybrook: Keeping Connections Alive

Logo: Something integrating the water tower.

Mission Statement: Providing a collaborative gathering between generations in community space to remember the past, connect with the present, and preserve for the future.

            Artwork is something people of all ages like to look at and be recognized for. Working with the community to give people a connection that will make them want to preserve would help the community help itself. By creating panels of community made artwork, paintings or collages, and cleaning up the area around the community garden people will feel that they actually have an attachment to the community. Each panel would be a piece of plywood that is one foot by one foot. People designing the panels have a choice to bring in photos they don’t mind attaching to the board, paint their panel or a combination of both. These panels will then be sealed when they dry and hung along the fence of the community garden. In order to participate in the panel design the person will either have to help clean up the area around the garden, help in the garden, or pay $5.

Committee: To complete this project there will need to be groups for: table saw, cutting panels; grounds crew, cleanup and gardening; paint crew, supply the paint and clean paint brushes; and the finishing crew, seal and hang artwork on fence.

Revenue: Selling t-shirts and buttons at the event. Donation buckets around town in local Mom and Pop stores. Buckets are around $2 at Michaels.

Budget: On Spread Sheet

            Begin Advertising- ASAP
            Have Supplies – Nov. 3
            Have Supplies prepared (panels cut) – Nov. 10
            Hold Event – Nov. 17

Feasibility: This project is something people of all ages can participate in. It is an event that can be completed in one day. The money needed to complete the project is less then the cost of the materials. The outcome of this project is that the younger generations have something to connect them to in the future and the older generation has something to connect their past to.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Fence Panels and Community Connections

I feel that the discussion from Sept. 5th helped me to better understand not only the concept of completing an interview but also the etiquette. I know now not to write out my questions but to have an outline of ideas prepared.

Alex and I were talking while we were doing our tour and thought about doing a clean up and decoration project in the community garden with the elementary school kids. The area around the community garden could use some trash pick up and weed whacking. Knowing kids love to have something they can show off, the decoration came to mind. Each student, or class, can have a peice of plywood that they get to decorate. Maybe something along the lines of what do you think if when you think of home? (other then your house). We will seal the paintings and drill holes in the pieces of wood and attach them to the fence. This activity would not only get the students interested more in the community garden but give them something to connect to in the future. We could also ask other members of the community if they would like to design a panel for the fence so we could have different generations

Name Ideas:
Keeping Connections Alive

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Total Disregard

The creation of the massive incinerator seems to have no benefit to the community or the surrounding areas. The company planning to build this large health risk does not even have the amount of buyers to justify putting the lives of so many at risk. I take the whole situation a ruse to interrupt peoples lives enough that they move out of town, leaving behind their histories. This freeing of space allows more companies to come in and use the land to their advantage. These companies are destroying people's homes for a quick buck.

As a class we could work with the community to bring back their memories, to bring back the community that dissipated when the industry came in and took over. We could get the kids involved with a clean up day where we could walk the streets and remaining shoreline to collect trash. Or a community garden with a compost center.